Bespoke Hypnobirthing and Birth Preparation
Ideal for first time parents or for families that have had a difficult or negative birth experience.
Congratulations. You have navigated here because you are looking to invest in support for the upcoming birth of your baby.
This is such a wonderful, transformative time in yours and your partners life and can feel quite daunting and overwhelming too.
This package is designed with you right at the heart of it. From the day you decide to book me, I will be with you, every step of the way.

From regular check ins, especially when you have an appointment with maternity services, to bespoke Hypnobirthing Scripts, written just for you and ongoing virtual support postnatally, this package is designed to envelop you with all the educational, practical and emotional support you need, to have the best possible birth and transition to parenthood.
But first,
It is so important you find a doula with whom you have a connection. After all, they are going to be supporting you during a very important life experience. This is why I like to meet you in person, at your home or a destination to suit you. During this first visit we will get to know one another and explore ways I can help as your birth doula.
If you would prefer a telephone or video call, we can arrange a day and time to suit you best.
1f you decide to go ahead....
We will set up a group WhatsApp for ongoing communication. It is important to me that any questions or concerns, (and celebrations, such as scans and gender reveals!), are spoken about in a timely manner. I wouldn’t like to think that you are worrying or unsure of something.
I will ask you about your hopes and fears for this pregnancy, labour and birth. I will also ask you to share with me a place where you feel safe, secure and happy. I will use this information to write hypnobirthing scripts for you.
There are four birth preparation and hypnobirthing sessions. Each around 2.5 hours in duration.
Hypnobirthing has profound effects on you and your baby. The techniques you will learn will help you to allay any fears and give you confidence, control, and ensure you and your partner are ready for your baby’s birth day. And you are likely to require less pain relief, have a shorter labour and feel positive about your birth. Baby will feel these positive effects too, having a calm arrival into the world.

This complete birth preparation course covers all you need to know to help you to decide where to have your baby, and how you want your labour and birth to unfold. It also covers how you can prepare for those early weeks postpartum.
You will learn about the physiology of birth, the hormones involved, the physical and emotional labour journey, your partners role, comfort measures, pain relief, labour and birth choices, how to write your birth preferences, postnatal planning and more.
You will learn the science behind hypnobirthing, how it really works. You will learn how you can use breathing techniques, visualisations, and affirmations to work with your body during labour and birth.
If after the four sessions, you need further information or support, then an additional session can be arranged with no additional cost. It is important to me that you are birth ready!
I will be on call from 38 weeks until baby is born, 24 hours a day.
When labour is established, I will stay with you to provide continuous practical, emotional and informational support for you and your partner. I will advocate for you and help you to feel heard and respected. I will ensure your birth preferences are preserved, and I will protect your birth space. I will stay with you until such time it feels right to leave.
I can help you to initiate breast feeding immediately after baby is born, if you wish.
I can help you and your partner during the first few hours after baby’s birth to bond, protecting your environment so you can enjoy skin to skin time, and savour the sights and smells of your new baby.
We can arrange for me to visit in the first few days after baby’s born to celebrate and re-visit the birth. I can answer any questions you may have about your experience. We can talk through any feeding or nurturing issues you may have.
A second visit after birth, ideally in the early few weeks can be arranged for you to discuss how you and your baby are and to help with any concerns you may have.
PRICE £2375 including a Bespoke Birth Pack.
Birth Pack includes;
'Hypnobirthing. Breathing in Short Pants' by Dani Diosi.
'The Secrets of Birth' by Kicki Hansard.
Handouts and blank Birth Preferences Template.
TENS machine to borrow.
Birth Pool hire reduced fee, if required. £75
Peanut ball, books and Rebozo available for loan.